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Common Questions Regarding Child Support Obligations in Connecticut


Connecticut courts have long recognized every parent’s duty to support their children; however, there may come a time when as a parent, you have no other choice than to seek the court’s help in collecting child support from another parent.  When faced with the difficult task of ensuring you collect all the support to which you are entitled, it is important to start with an attorney experienced in Connecticut Child Support laws.  At The Chalumeau Law Group we are experienced with Connecticut’s Child Support Guidelines and have assisted parents with both obtaining child support orders, and defending against excessive petitions for support.


How is Child Support Calculated?

Child Support in Connecticut is guided by The Child Support Guidelines which sets presumptive support amounts based on the parties incomes and the number of children. The presumptive amounts may be adjusted based on set deviation criteria which allows the court to go above or below the presumptive calculations. An attorney experienced in Connecticut child support litigation will be able to provide you with guidance as to the presumptive support calculations in your individual case, and whether deviation is appropriate.


What Type of Support is Available for a Child?

Aside from establishing a monthly amount for a child’s basic support,  the  court has the power to fashion awards for unreimbursed medical expenses, contributions to child care expenses, and even the post secondary college tuition expenses.


Can I Modify an Award of Child Support?

Connecticut’s child support laws allow parents to modify child support amounts upon a showing of a change in circumstances. Whether a parent has substantially more income, or a child’s needs have changed significantly, a modification of existing child support may be warranted. Contact us for a free consultation to find out if you have grounds for a child support modification.

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