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“Tracy, a home maker and a victim of domestic violence, had an incredibly abusive husband. He beat her and threatened to kill her. She continuously reached out to police for their help. In June of 1983, her estranged husband stabbed her 13 times in the chest, neck, shoulders, and face. He kicked her in the head with a booted foot and grabbed their 2-year-old son, and told the child, “I’ve killed your rotten mother,” and then dropped the child on top of Tracy in a pool of blood. It took the police 25 minutes to arrive, but Tracy survived. “


Tracy Thurman’s story was not only the driving force behind the 1989 television movie; “A Cry For Help: The Tracy Thurman Story,” but her ordeal helped bring about important changes to Connecticut’s Family Violence Statutes.


Connecticut’s Domestic Violence Laws:


Are you eligible for a restraining order? Under Connecticut’s Domestic Violence Laws,  any family or household member who has been subjected to a continuous threat of present physical pain or physical injury by another family or household member may make an application to the court to have a restraining order imposed on such a family member.  This application will be heard immediately by a judge. If the judge believes that the applicant is truly in danger of immediate physical harm, the judge will grant the application immediately and issue the restraining order.


If you are in a relationship where you are subject to some form of domestic violence, you should contact the authorities immediately, then contact our office to schedule a consultation to put orders in place to protect you, your family and even your animals.  Our office can work with you to complete the necessary forms and present your case to the court immediately to grant you and your family immediate protection.


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